Fall 2019 Features

Terminal Reinvention

From the Cover Story section

We take a look inside the airports of the future, as depots become destinations

A Pilot’s Life

From the Wings of Legacy section

Photos and personal documents tell a colorful story of No. 5 BFTS flight instructor Frederick Brittain

Nazia Taylor leaning on a bridge railing

Building Bridges

From the Flight Path section

Nazia Taylor translates differences into understanding through workplace program

Assistant Professor Houbing Song (right) and Ph.D. student Jian Wang holding drones at a "No Drone Zone" near an airport.

Drone Control

From the Feature section

Unique technology introduces a safe way to neutralize rogue drones, even in civilian areas

Silver Screen Attraction

From the Alumni @ Work section

Nathan VonMinden applies engineering background to a new career as a screenwriter and director

Sharing the Bounty

From the Alumni in Action section

Family farm started by alumni couple helps feed local community

Also in This Issue

Eagle Wordsmith

From the Web Exclusive section

Put your aviation and aerospace industry knowledge to the test

Students standingon a stage with trophies, with faculty advisers

AMS Champs

From the Chatter section

Eagles ace global aerospace maintenance competition

Daniel Ponce de Leon throwing a pitch for the St. Louis Cardinals at a home game.

Curve Ball

From the Alumni News section

Eagle standout Daniel Ponce de Leon conquers injury and the AAA shuffle to make a historic MLB debut

From left: Marc Archambault, Michelle Lucas, John Longshore, Patrick Marsden, Stephen J. Altemus and Edmund Otubuah.

Top Eagles

From the Alumni News section

Six graduates honored at alumni awards ceremony

Stacks of books on a table in a library or bookstore

Eagle Authors

From the Alumni News section

Discover the books fellow Eagles are writing

Jay and Leila Adams on their wedding day

Featured Videos

From the Videos section

Companion videos for the print edition of Lift

Group photo from the 1980s with Arizona mountains in the background

Tailwinds: Out West

From the Tailwinds section

Last issue's Tailwinds photo, and a new one to spark your memories

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