Readers identify this apartment building turned Embry-Riddle dormitory, circa 1967-68, that was published in the fall/winter 2020 edition of Lift.
‘We Made Our Mark There’
The only off-campus dormitory that I know of was the one I lived in and the one pictured in Lift. It was located at 886 S. Nova Rd., Daytona Beach. It’s currently called Palm Cove apartments and still stands today. I believe these apartments were there for quite some time, and they were not new when I stayed there.
I was one of the lucky students who lived in the dormitory just south of Bellevue Rd. The dormitory housed approximately 200 Embry-Riddle students during my time there, 1969-1970.
Mr. Hofstater, the administrative assistant of the school, tried his best to keep a watchful eye on us. Several female students lived in that area as well. Each apartment had two bedrooms, a kitchen, a combination living/dining room and an attached patio/balcony.
I have many wonderful memories of my stay there, and the most obvious was the diversity of students from around the world. Living with them was an education in itself. Many residents were teammates of mine on the school’s soccer team, and some of the girls were cheerleaders for the team. When historical events occurred, we congregated outside in the front or the back of residences. One outstanding moment, especially for Embry-Riddle students, was the Apollo 11 moon landing (boy did we make a racket). We all studied hard and partied with the same enthusiasm. After all, this was the Woodstock festival era.
The building may no longer house Embry-Riddle students, but we certainly made our mark there. Great memories and the wonderful relationships I made will remain with me forever.
Joseph Fabulich (’71)
B.S. Aeronautical Engineering
Swimming Pool for Frogs and Snakes
I attended Embry-Riddle from the fall of 1967 to graduation in 1970. Our “co-ed dorm” was the old motel [apartments] with a center pool, which did a great job caring for frogs and snakes in the early days, but got cleaned up in 1968 for our use. Besides, we had the beach.
The seniors got the upper floor and the rest of us got the lower floor. Most of the rooms could accommodate two to four students, with a kitchen and bath. The kitchen turned out to be a good thing because we were a long way from any restaurants, and for that matter, the campus too. I must admit, sharing a “home” with pilots, mechanics, engineers, managers and historians made for great friendships. I got married in 1968 and was the first to leave our place.
The “institute” was growing quickly with a new “quadrangle” campus being built near old runway 6R. We continued to take classes in the two-story wood headquarters building near the airport terminal and would take a shuttle or catch a ride with a classmate to the “dorm.”
Thanks for the memory. It is fascinating to think that Embry-Riddle went from a 1,500-student institute to tens of thousands of students at multiple campuses today.
Tom Isenburg (’70)
B.S. Aviation Management
A Different Kind of Hallmark
I went to ERAU from 1970-74 and lived, existed in Dorm I. That is another story in itself. The picture on the back cover of Lift is a sight…a memory that I will not forget. Used as a dorm, mostly all the residents were veterans, or at least had a vehicle to go to school. There were many wild parties that were the hallmark of those walls. Almost every weekend, sometimes mid-week, if you could get there, you could find something of interest. Or just a crazy time. I think this dorm was closed in 1972, and the residents were left to their own devices.
Ken Richard (’74)
B.S. Airway Science