Col. Augusto “Augie” Casado (’92) published the book, My Way!, a compilation of 365 daily emails Casado sent his sons, Ben and Alex. Casado is manager of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Flight Standards Strategic Planning and Financial Services Division. Serving in the Air Force Reserve, he is also the 10th Air Force director of logistics, engineering and force protection.
Capt. Scott Costin (’90, ’93) authored The Doctor Won’t See You Now: Be the Savvy, Successful Biopharma Representative in a Rapidly Changing Industry, published in 2017. A U.S. Air Force veteran, Costin has worked as a manufacturer’s representative in the biopharmaceutical and pharmaceuticals industry for the past 20 years.
Fr. Patrick Kokorian (’98), M.M.A, authored and illustrated a graphic novel entitled The Weapons of War: Brendan and Erc in Exile. Published in 2019 under Kokorian’s pen name, Amadeus, it is the third volume in a series that seeks to inform and enlighten Catholics and non-Catholics about God and the church. Kokorian was named abbot (head monk) of the Most Holy Trinity Monastery in Petersham, Massachusetts, on Sept. 24, 2019. He is the second abbot of his order, Maronite Monks of Adoration.
Embry-Riddle Professor Emeritus James K. Libbey authored Foundations of Russian Military Flight 1885–1925, published in 2019. The book focuses on the early use of balloons and aircraft by the Russian military. At Embry-Riddle, Libbey taught aviation history and Russian-American relations.
David J. McGowan (’74) authored and published in 2015 a memoir: Delta Shotgun. The book details his experiences as a reconnaissance pilot, flying for the U.S. Army in Vietnam.
Retired CW3 Kenneth Peck (’11) authored American Airborne Ads of the 20s Thru the 50s, published in 2019. The book features 200 pages of period print ads, cartoons and magazine covers, all with paratroopers. Peck served with the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Signal Corps from 1988 to 2014, and is the owner/operator of Round Canopy LLC.
Donna Roberts (’10), associate professor and chair of the social sciences and economics department and chair of undergraduate research at Embry-Riddle’s Worldwide Campus in Germany, authored Psychographic Segmentation: Psychological Measures Related to Consumer Behavior and Lifestyle, published in 2019 by Verlag Dr. Kovac.
Houbing Song, an assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach Campus, is the co-editor of four books. The latest, Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems: Machine Learning for the Internet of Things, was published in 2019 by Elsevier.
Capt. Walter F. Sorenson Jr. (’84) authored Do You Live in a Barn? A Children’s Story, published in 2019. His three children, Emma, James and Mary Grace Sorenson, all Embry-Riddle students, helped illustrate the book, which was inspired by stories Sorenson would tell his children when they were younger. For every 10 books sold, the author donates one to a library kid zone. The book was accepted into the Library of Congress. Sorenson is a pilot for American Airlines and owns/operates Sorenson Electric, where he works as a master electrician. Emma (’22) an alumnus of the Homeland Security program and current master’s student in Unmanned Systems. James and Mary Grace are studying Aeronautical Science.