From the Editor

Comments and opinions from Embry-Riddle alumni and friends.

From the Editor

It’s time again for Lift, Off the Page, where we explore a Lift topic in a live venue. Join a panel of faculty and alumni experts on Tuesday, April 12 at 5:30 p.m. EDT at the Daytona Beach Campus for a discussion on Aviation Cybersecurity. The event will be livestreamed for online viewing. A watching party will be simultaneously hosted at 2:30 p.m. MST at the Prescott Campus. Register to attend online at

UPDATE: Now that the event has passed, you can watch the discussion on YouTube.

We need your input! Watch your inboxes for the upcoming Lift Readership Survey. The survey will be emailed to a random selection of Lift readers in April. You don’t have to wait for the survey. Tell us what you think:

—Sara Withrow, Editor

‘Pleased as Punch’

I received our fall 2015 Lift magazine this morning. I am as pleased as punch with the whole magazine, but especially page 15 [Remote Learning Plants Seeds for Embry-Riddle Worldwide]. It brings back fond memories of the associations I have had with my fellow adjunct faculty members. How young and full of vim and vigor we were then. Since I have been employed by Embry-Riddle for over 41 years, the individual and group pictures, plus the Through the Decades feature, bring happy memories to the forefront. I can vividly remember talking to John Paul Riddle and working with Jack Hunt. To see their pictures brings a smile to my face. Your publication is perfect for our 90th anniversary. Well done!

Jack H. Thompson (’05, WW)
Campus Director
Fort Eustis Campus, Embry-Riddle Worldwide

Coach Blake is Tops

Reading about Embry-Riddle Prescott Athletics winning the Commissioner’s Cup [fall 2015 Chatter] got me reminiscing. In high school, I had the pleasure of playing baseball for Ted Blake, the director of athletics for the Prescott Campus. He led a winning baseball program for many years in the Phoenix area and I consider myself lucky to have learned from him and been a part of one of his championship teams. Coach Blake always pushed you further than you thought you could go, but in a way that was exciting and challenging. On your worst days, he found a way to make you better.
I cannot think of a better person to continue to grow the Prescott athletic programs from the solid base that Larry Stephan established.

Eric J. Moore (’98, PC)
B.S. Electrical Engineering, AFROTC

Correction: International Campus Move

Re: Facilities Footprint [fall 2015], the entry for 1986 about the International Campus’ move is inaccurate. It wasn’t until September 2009 that the bulk of Worldwide Headquarters moved to its current location at 2379 Beville Road in Daytona Beach.

Bob Jost
Vice Chancellor for Administration
Embry-Riddle Worldwide

Airfield Location Clarified

In Through the Decades [fall 2015], the Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield (HAAF) is erroneously listed as being in Alabama. It is actually located in Georgia. I was stationed at Coast Guard Air Station Savannah at HAAF twice during my career.

Bryant Denning (’15, WW)
B.S. Aeronautics

Father Achieves ‘American Dream’

My father, William O. Wiley (’56, MC), passed away in April 2015. I believe that he was the valedictorian for his class, and he would want you to know how much Embry-Riddle meant to him. He truly was able to live the “American Dream,” and he often credited his education at your school as a major reason for that outcome. He was able to take the skills that he learned to quite a wide variety of engineering positions, and he became well respected both domestically and internationally. On behalf of the family, we thank you.

Andrew T. Wiley
Senior Vice President
BB&T Capital Markets

Terminology is Important

In Bob Cooper’s article, Love at First Flight [Flight Path, spring 2015], he refers to pilot certificates and ratings as “licenses.” On page 8, he writes, Bill Borgsmiller “earned a commercial pilot’s license.” And, on page 9 he states, “He earned a rotorcraft license … [and] a seaplane license …”

We earn a certificate, not a license, when we complete our check-ride, and ratings on top of that. If this were a generic publication, I could accept this, but this is Embry-Riddle’s magazine! They should be classified properly.

Jay McKain (’77, DB)
B.S. Aeronautical Science

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