Are you in this picture? Do you know someone who is? Judging by the colorful bandanas and the high desert backdrop, this photo was taken at Embry-Riddle’s Prescott Campus in Arizona, possibly at a reception of some kind at the Spruance House. The hairstyles scream 1980s.
But, beyond these general assumptions, we know nothing about this photo. Help us fill the gaps in Embry-Riddle’s institutional knowledge. Tell us about the event and the people in this photo. We’ll share the details in the next edition of Lift.
Email us: liftmag@erau.edu
Talking Tailwinds: Molly Hatchet Draws a Crowd
Readers identify the date, occasion and several students in this photo (published in Lift’s spring 2019 edition) of a concert hosted at the John Paul Riddle Student Center, aka University Center (U.C.), at the Daytona Beach Campus.

Insane Crowd
I’m in that picture! Saw it and said, yeah, I was there (see right side), along with Dan Gaudet (’89). It was spring of 1985; Molly Hatchet performed in the U.C. [It] really was insanely packed in there.
Derrick Seys (’90)
B.S. Aeronautical Engineering
Lambda Chi Alpha Brothers
I received the spring issue of Lift and on the back is a photo of a very young version of me. I’m pictured one row back from the front, just right of center, and proudly showing my Lambda Chi Alpha colors. The person just over my left shoulder is Bobby Flynn (’87), and the gentleman with his left hand up to my left is Matt Maranto (’85), both also Lambda Chi Alphas.
Al Witkowski (’87)
B.S. Aeronautical Engineering
Roommates Spotted!
The photo is from the spring 1985 trimester, and based on the banners in the background, sometime in February. I recognize two of my old roommates in the photo: David Nelson (’85) and Steve Williams (’86), both in the front row. I’m pretty sure I was also there, as I volunteered on the Entertainment Committee.
Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Patrick D. Moroney (’85)
B.S. Aeronautical Engineering
Insider Information
The photo was taken the evening of Saturday, March 2, 1985, at the Molly Hatchet concert hosted by E-RAU Entertainment, part of the Student Government Association. Not only was I there, but I helped organize and run the show.
I was a very active member of the Entertainment Committee from 1982-1986. In 1985, I was vice chairman, serving with Chairman Mark Creager (’86, ’91) and Stage Manager Darrin Bond.
Molly Hatchet was the only concert that year and one of only a handful where we used the “Flight Deck” bar/pub area for the stage. In addition, Molly Hatchet’s concert contract rider required us to rent a specific make/model of piano, and it happened to be white.
Molly Hatchet (especially David Hlubek) had some very specific/legal language in their contract rider. The concert marked the first time we had security-trained/radio-equipped members of the Entertainment Committee (dressed in plain clothes/undercover) pre-positioned in the front row of the crowd. Two that I recognize are Paul Brinkman (’87), one of our lead stage crew members, and Chad Sanders, our lead sound engineer.
I believe one of the Phoenix yearbook photographers took the photo.
David C. “Hoss” Robertson (’86)
B.S. Aeronautical Science